We are helpless against the weather. Heat and humidity, clouds and rain will come and go without effective intervention from us. But we are not helpless against the oppressive, cloying haze created by the world’s system—the “fog” that clouds our view of Christ. Let others have their sight dimmed; we can resolve to keep a …
March Reflections
It is unthinkable, but what if the Son of God had failed His test? What if He had been persuaded by Satan in the wilderness, dissuaded from the start of His ministry? What if He had gotten fed up with the hypocritical religious leaders of Israel, or the loathsome condition of the humanity He Himself …
February Reflections
The modern iteration of this ancient holiday is about as romantic as a gun to the head, in which heaps and mounds of guilt are ladled onto the male of the species to purchase expensive gifts for his associate female. This guilt emanates regularly through TV commercials and sitcoms, movies and, I would hazard a …
January Reflections
People know where we’ve been, and from our tracks they can usually figure out where we’re going. Beyond that, others know how we’ve made the passage. They’ve watched our steps, observed our behavior, and listened to the words that have passed our lips. Like it or not, we leave something behind. What we say to …
December Reflections
Every morning the headlines drive us deeper into an existential funk. It seems as if everyone hates everyone else these days, and it is easy to lose hope.A regular feature of a daily column I read is entitled “Everything Isn’t Awful,” and typically offers a brief video of cute animals doing cute things with other …
November Reflections
Let the world have its sterile, impotent definition of “thanksgiving.” The Christian’s stance is to be utterly different, in that our thanksgiving is to be both spiritual and physical; it is to ignite both praise to God and earthly works in His name; more than simply a verbal expression of gratitude, it is to be …
October Reflections
God the Son is as holy and pure as the Father and the Spirit, yet in that eternal, uncreated Tri-unity He is unique in that He is approachable in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is God getting His hands dirty. His earthiness did not diminish His deity, nor did His deity dilute the authenticity …
September Reflections
To make contact with God the Father (on a spiritual level), we must reach up, for God has never left His throne in heaven. To make contact with the Holy Spirit, we must reach inward, for though He moves effortlessly between heaven and earth, the Spirit dwells within our grasp in our own, internal God-space. …
August Reflections
Come along with me on a fabled trip to our past. It will be a journey of rediscovery, one in which old familiar sites are revisited, and witnessed as if through new eyes. Welcome on this trip, of course, are those new to faith, new to this life of sanctification through the blood of God’s …
Arriving September 10
Our new Bible study, First Things, begins Sunday, September 10.