God’s Amazing Grace

1.5 minutes / 2 narrators

God’s Amazing Grace

Two, with some Scripture reading

Easter Cross Sacrifice Passover Blood Death Grace

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Narrator 2
The blood of Christ, shed for us at the cross, is really not so mysterious at all. It does represent Christ’s pain–His suffering, His death–His sacrifice that we might live.

Narrator 1
But beyond that, the blood represents God’s grace, for not one of us deserves life in Christ. It is a gift.

Narrator 2
Grace. Let the word linger on the tongue. Let it roll and tumble around in your mind. Grace.

Narrator 1
Don’t let go of it too soon. Caress it, and let it caress you, for grace is the warm, forgiving embrace of a perfect God for an imperfect soul.

Narrator 2
Grace is God putting His arm around us, looking the believer straight in the eye, and saying, “I know who you are. I know what you are. I know all about your problems, your failures, your sins. I know it all. And I love you anyway.”

Narrator 1
Grace is God saying, “Jesus.”

Narrator 2
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus. (1 Corinthians 1:3-4)

Narrator 1
Grace. We do not deserve it. We cannot earn it. It is a gift.

Narrator 2
When Jesus rose from the dead and walked out of that tomb, God the Father was saying, “Here is my Son. See? He lives! He paid the price, once and for all. And He lives forever! Believe in Him, and you too will have life eternal.”

Narrator 1
It is all of grace.

Copyright 2008 David S. Lampel. All rights reserved.
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