A Love That Holds Us

1.5 minutes / 2 narrators

A Love that Holds Us


Easter Cross Sacrifice Passover Blood Death Grace Offense Attraction

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Narrator 1
The cross both repels and attracts.

Narrator 2
The cross offends–it is meant to. It is meant to stand in harsh contrast to the soft and pliable mercies of this world.

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God’s love for man is substantial–it is real and true.

Narrator 2
His love was demonstrated in the cruelties and death of the cross–and that makes us uncomfortable.

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But that same cross attracts us with its love.
In Christ, God the Father showed that for those who belong to Him, death leads to resurrection.

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There is His love fulfilled. If Jesus had remained in the grave, there would be no promise of life with Him.

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If we could find that tomb and identify the bones, God’s love would have been incomplete.

Narrator 2
But God’s love was complete. It was total. On the cross Jesus suffered and died for our sins, but He rose from the grave for our life!

Narrator 1
Total love. Uncompromising. A love that holds us.

Narrator 2
A love that will not let us go.

Copyright 2008 David S. Lampel. All rights reserved.
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