The Butterfly

5 minutes / 2 characters

On the island of Patmos, Naomi (wife of a local fisherman) brings news to the elderly apostle John that soldiers have arrived to escort him back to Ephesus. What follows is a scene laced with humor wherein the cantankerous apostle explains to Naomi how we all are transformed by the power of Jesus.

NAOMI (shaking her head): I can’t picture it.

JOHN: My dear, you’re forgetting: The caterpillar goes through the metamorphosis. There is a change. A cleansing from the ugliness of the old to the exquisite beauty of the new. We, too, went through a change. You could not walk with Jesus for three years without there being a change–a tangible change. You could not see His resurrection, His return to the Father without there being a change in your life. (turning; intensely) You cannot receive the Holy Spirit without change. (from The Butterfly)

No matter what we used to be, Jesus can change us for His work.

Production Notes
This sketch is great fun because John is played very (very!) old, a bit absent-minded and given to random streams of consciousness. His costume should be a collection of dusty rags and cobwebs, multi-layered and he should appear just slightly younger than Methuselah. He should also have a tired, weathered look to him from being outside so much on Patmos.

The apostle John
Naomi, a fisherman’s wife

“Rocks” for sitting.
A walking stick for John.
Naomi could be carrying a basket.

The Butterfly Apostle John Naomi Fresh Fish Sons of Thunder Metamorphosis Change Love The Twelve Belief Faith
PDF for Production
Plain Text for Review