So Very Much Alone

2 minutes / 3 narrators

An extended conversation between the Leader and two “Visitors”.

Originally from
Vacancy / There’s Room in My Heart (musical)


Don’t get hung up on the character labels in this piece. They can be called anything you like, used in any sort of situation. Think of it as just three people discussing the personal dynamics of the Nativity scene.

Christmas God Light Birth Jesus Christ Savior Baby Bethlehem Caesar Augustus Bethlehem Inn Census Mary Joseph Son of God Heart

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(to the Visitors)
Was that Mary… and Joseph?

Visitor #2
It’s about to happen.

They seem so very much alone.

Visitor #1
This is a great and terrible thing happening to them. But soon He will be born.

Is Mary well?

Visitor #2
She’s young, but strong. God’s hand is upon her.

How can she bear the wonder of it all? How could any woman? To give birth to the Son of God!

Visitor #1
Is there so much difference? Is not the hand of God in every birth. Is not the wonder of God in every new life.

I’m not sure I could have her faith.

Visitor #2
She loves her God enough to obey Him–to become His servant.

Visitor #1
She opened the door of her heart.

And He walked right in.

Visitor #2
There’s the wonder.
But now Joseph was another matter.

Visitor #1
Oh my, yes.

Why do you say that?

Visitor #2
Well for one thing, he was a man.

(with mild sarcasm)

Visitor #2
All he got were explanations. For Mary it was happening inside her–she could feel the power of God in her.

Visitor #1
Joseph was running on pure faith and trust…

Visitor #2
…and obedience.

Visitor #1
The Holy Spirit had permeated the heart of Mary…

Visitor #2
…but Joseph was left with a greater helping of his own logic.

Visitor #1
A dangerous habit for humans.

I have to hand it to Joseph: he had a lot of pressure from society to do just about anything but what he did. He must have been very confused at times–to wonder why God would put him in such a position.

Visitor #1
Yes, Joseph had his moments of doubt and confusion.

Visitor #2
Most humans would.

Visitor #1
Then it was time for Jesus to be born. And the heart of Joseph could only open to receive the love God was pouring into his life.

Copyright 2000 David S. Lampel. All rights reserved.
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