The Christian’s eternal state of glorified perfection is beyond his reach in this temporal life. We are not promised it—oh, that we were!—nor is it expected of us. Only one Man in all of history was perfect during His earthly sojourn. Only He attained the pinnacle—indeed, was born perfect, and that perfection never wavered, even …
Category: Reflections by the Pond
a monthly devotional publication
April Reflections
Perhaps we have memorialized the wrong thing. Christ’s death was indeed a sacrifice that should be remembered—but with sober reverence, not as a decorative article of jewelry. We don’t worship a dead criminal; we worship a risen Lord! We don’t remember our departed family members by hanging a miniature deathbed or auto accident about our …
March Reflections
“Give” Let’s get one thing straight right at the start: The Lord our God is and always has been utterly perfect, whole, unimprovable, lacking nothing, and immutable. Nothing mortal man does or thinks can alter Him—either for better or worse—in any way. This does not mean that God exists in sterile isolation, unsensing, unfeeling, uncaring …
February Reflections
“Painting Over Eden” Boiling down all the subtleties to the basics, individuals subscribe to one of only two philosophical positions today: one, man is essentially good, and indications to the contrary are simply aberrations; or, two, man, since Eden, is essentially depraved, and indications to the contrary only bespeak the influence of a gracious God. …
January Reflections
“The Light at the End of the Tunnel” The seven-year Tribulation, during which the church and Holy Spirit are absent from the earth, is so described. Tragically, it also accurately describes this present age. Those running the show, those in charge of today’s predominate culture seem to be always angry, always condemning others, constantly dredging …
December Reflections
“The Beginning of Forever” There is an almost cinematic feeling to this episode in which three strangers travel from a distant land to kneel before a new and foreign king. It is as if Jesus, while still in His mother’s womb, exerted some powerful force that drew the wise men to where He would be. …
November Reflections
“Dressing for the Guest of Honor” Today, instead of worshiping honestly and faithfully by means of the Holy Spirit, we demand honor and respect for ourselves, but fail to extend that same courtesy to our God. By our dress and our behavior we are to approach the Sunday worship service with one thought and purpose …
October Reflections
“In Season and Out” In the magnificent untidiness of the Christian walk, it is necessary to pause as the leaves of autumn transition to the cold of winter, to examine the grace just spent. God leads us through our days expecting us to pay attention: to listen, to observe, to learn. He expects us to …
September Reflections
“Thoughts from the Apocalypse” Then one terrible day you awake to skies filled with bizarre creatures released from the bowels of hell itself—horses that fly, or are they locusts with the faces of men? or scorpions with long, flowing hair? They cannot be defined, but fill the air like living pollution, darting here and there, …
August Reflections
There is no better illustration of fallen man’s condition and fate than the humble cicada. For those who do not know Christ, what is living, after all, except years of dwelling in the muck and mire of the earth—then you die. Except that in this, even the lowly cicada enjoys an advantage over the lost. …