Bible Studies

The studies on this page originated as my prepared notes for teaching our local ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship) class on Sunday mornings. As with the other resources at this web site, we make them available to others simply because they already exist. I make no claim to scholarship, special insight, or extraordinary understanding of God’s holy word. I have been called in the local assembly to teach adults from God’s word. Following the example of the early churches, those of us in the kingdom are encouraged to “[share our possessions] with all, as anyone might have need.” (Acts 2:45) If others can benefit from these studies, then God is glorified.

Go to all completed studies.

Current Study: First Things (begun September 10, 2023)

We are pleased to announce our new study, First Things, a comprehensive study of the first eleven chapters of God’s word—specifically, Genesis 1:1 to 11:9, from (before) Creation to the consequences of the tower of Babel.

Session (Most session notes include a class handout.)PDF NotesAudio
Session Sixty: Diaspora, part two
(Genesis 10:6-20)
Session Fifty-nine: Diaspora, part one
(Genesis 10:1-5)
Session Fifty-eight: Bad Behavior, part two
(Genesis 9:18-29)
Session Fifty-seven: Bad Behavior, part one
(Genesis 9:18-29)
Session Fifty-six: Things Change, part two
(Genesis 9:8-17)
Session Fifty-five: Things Change
(Genesis 9:1-7, 8-17)
Session Fifty-four: Release, Dispersion, and Sacrifice
(Genesis 8:15-22)
Special for Christmas 2024: The Beginning of Foreverdocumentaudio
Session Fifty-three: The Earth Dries Out
(Genesis 8:4-14)
Session Fifty-two: God Remembers Noah
(Genesis 7:23-8:3)
Session Fifty-one: The Extent and Power of the Flood, part two
(Genesis 7:13-22)
Session Fifty: The Extent and Power of the Flood, part one
(Genesis 7:13-22)
Session Forty-nine: It Begins, part two
(Genesis 7:6-12)
Session Forty-eight: It Begins, part one
(Genesis 7:6-12)
Session Forty-seven: A Week from the End
(Genesis 7:1-5)
Session Forty-six: Commands and Obedience
(Genesis 6:17-22)
Session Forty-five: A Preserving Shoebox
(Genesis 6:13-16)
Session Forty-four: Corruption!
(Genesis 6:9-13)
Session Forty-three: A Hard Grace
(Genesis 6:5-10)
Session Forty-two: The Flood: An Overview
(Genesis 6:5 to 9:17)
Session Forty-one: Mixing What Shouldn’t Be Mixed, part two
(Genesis 6:1-4)
Session Forty: The Righteous Line Begins, part two /
Mixing What Shouldn’t Be Mixed, part one
(Genesis 5:28-32)
Session Thirty-nine: The Righteous Line Begins, part one
(Genesis 5:3-27)
Session Thirty-eight: A New Direction
(Genesis 4:25-5:2)
Session Thirty-seven: An Unholy Family
(Genesis 4:17-24)
Session Thirty-six: The Wailing Voice of Innocent Blood, part two
(Genesis 4:9-16)
Session Thirty-five: The Wailing Voice of Innocent Blood, part one
(Genesis 4:9-16)
Session Thirty-four: An Unrepentant Anger
(Genesis 4:6-8)
Session Thirty-three: Two Brothers, Two Offerings
(Genesis 4:1-5)
Session Thirty-two: An Altered Existence, part two
(Genesis 3:22-24)
Session Thirty-one: An Altered Existence, part one
(Genesis 3:20-22)
Session Thirty: Judgment (part four)
(Genesis 3:17-19)
Session Twenty-nine: Judgment (part three)
(Genesis 3:16)
Session Twenty-eight: Judgment (part two)
(Genesis 3:15)
Session Twenty-seven: Judgment (part one)
(Genesis 3:14-19)
Session Twenty-six: Excuses
(Genesis 3:9-13)
Session Twenty-five: Fear
(Genesis 3:7-10)
Session Twenty-four: And Then, Shame
(Genesis 3:6-7)
Session Twenty-three: The First Temptation (part three)
(Genesis 3:1-6)
Session Twenty-two: The First Temptation (part two)
(Genesis 3:1-5)
Session Twenty-one: The First Temptation (part one)
(Genesis 2:25-3:5)
Session Twenty: A Marriage Made in Heaven
(Genesis 2:21-25)
Session Nineteen: A Comparable Mate
(Genesis 2:18-20)
Session Eighteen: Life or Death
(Genesis 2:15-17)
Session Seventeen: God Plants a Garden
(Genesis 2:8-14)
Session Sixteen: A Special Creation
(Genesis 2:7)
Session Fifteen: The First “Generation”
(Genesis 2:4-7)
Session Fourteen: The Final Day of Creation (part three)
(Genesis 1:28 to 2:3)
Session Thirteen: The Final Day of Creation (part two)
(Genesis 1:24-31)
Special Devotional for Christmasdocumentaudio
Session Twelve: The Final Day of Creation (part one)
(Genesis 1:24-31)
Session Eleven: The First Creatures
(Genesis 1:20-23)
Session Ten: The Creation of Time
(Genesis 1:14-19)
Session Nine: Day Three: First Life
(Genesis 1:9-13)
Session Eight: The First Heaven
(Genesis 1:6-8)
Session Seven: What a Difference a Day Makes
(Genesis 1:5ff)
Session Six: Let There be Light!
(Genesis 1:3-5)
Session Five: A Black Emptiness
(Genesis 1:2)
Session Four: In the Beginning…
(Genesis 1:1)
Session Three: Why Creation? (part two)documentaudio
Session Two: Why Creation? (part one)documentaudioaudio
Session one: Before Everythingdocumentaudioaudio

(Note: Most recent session now at the top.)

Completed Studies

Last Things Study imageThis Bible study—essentially, in content and form, a commentary—consists of my weekly notes for our Sunday mornings class on the Last Things, the Eschaton. This is not a study of the book of Revelation, but a study of the portions of God’s word that pertain to the end times. These would include Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, Joel, Zechariah, First and Second Thessalonians, Matthew, and many others.
This study includes two files: the printed notes for 52 sessions (Last-Things.pdf) and the accompanying full-color charts and timelines (Last-Things_Charts.pdf). Click on the image/link to the left to download both files in the file (102 MB). View/download/listen to individual session notes.
First Corinthians Study imageAn exhaustive, verse-by-verse examination of the apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinth church. The completed study, in one volume of 578 pages, is not just an in-depth study, but the final product is as much a commentary of the letter as it is a guide for its teaching. Individual sessions (170) are also available in both printed notes and audio. View/download/listen to individual session notes.
A study of the first portion of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, known as The Beatitudes. This study includes both the Matthew and Luke versions, and is more detailed than that included in our Sermon on the Mount study.
Unexpected Lives Study image
A brief, ten-session look at the lives of three individuals in the line of Christ Jesus: Rahab the Jericho harlot, Ruth the Moabitess, and David son of Jesse. View/download/listen to individual session notes.
Thessalonian Study imageA comprehensive examination of the two letters the apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Thessalonica. View/download/listen to individual session notes.
Christ in the OT Study imageTo the surprise of many, the Old Testament is actually chock-full of Jesus the Christ. It is “pressed down, shaken together and running over” with Him. The astute reader will find references to Him, prophecies about Him, and actual visitations by Him. The purpose of this study, Prophet, Priest & King: Christ in the Old Testament, is to not just find those prophecies and references—those foreshadowings—but to discover how they weave together to form a marvelous narrative about God’s plan for man through the Messiah. View/download/listen to individual session notes.
Colossians Study imageIn his letter to the Colossians, the apostle Paul makes the case for the supremacy and sufficiency of the real Christ and explains to us how to live with and for Him—how to acknowledge Him as Lord of All. A.T. Robertson calls Colossians a “full-length portrait of Christ.” View/download/listen to individual session notes.
This study, Rebellion, Restoration, Revival, begins with Israel’s and Judah’s rebellion against God (mostly from 2 Kings), then moves to the first return of the exiles to Judah in the book of Ezra (rebuilding the temple), then to the book of Nehemiah (rebuilding Jerusalem). For this study a narrative, rather than a verse-by-verse, approach is used. The complete study covers 35 sessions, and includes a class booklet filled with historical data, chronologies, and maps. Both the booklet and the class notes are in the PDF format, and included in the downloaded ZIP file.
A 14-session, topical study of the names, titles and terms used for Jesus the Christ—including, for example, Word, I AM, Son of Man, Lamb of God, Alpha and Omega.
The writer to the Hebrews quotes from a number of important psalms in his epistle/sermon. A Five-psalm Preparatory Study for the Book of Hebrews: Psalms 102, 40, 8, 110, 95—supplies an essential preface to the Hebrews study (just below).
A detailed, systematic study of the epistle/sermon we know as Hebrews. The overarching theme of this sermon is the preeminence, or superiority, of Jesus the Christ.
The Sermon on the Mount: A verse-by-verse survey through Christ’s central treatise on living other-worldly.
The Beginning of Heaven: Footpath of our Trek (a topical study). This study is all about how we, as individual believers, perceive our time here on earth. In this study we examine heaven—heaven both today and tomorrow—and we examine this earth—the earth today and that which is to come. But all of that will be background; the true subject of this study is how we as believers live and think—day by day, hour by hour—in light of the hope of our eternity with Christ.
A verse-by-verse survey through the important New Testament epistle to the Galatians

All studies are in the Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

As with all of our resources, we offer these studies free of charge, to the glory of God the Father, and the praise of Jesus Christ our Lord.
