June Reflections

Mere man will never grasp the true depth of human love without apprehending the staggering intensity and cosmic proportions of the joyful love expressed within the eternal Godhead. This is the rock-solid foundation that undergirds human love, human marriage, the Christian’s love for Christ, the church’s love for Christ, and, above all, Christ’s profound love …

May Reflections

The Christian’s eternal state of glorified perfection is beyond his reach in this temporal life. We are not promised it—oh, that we were!—nor is it expected of us. Only one Man in all of history was perfect during His earthly sojourn. Only He attained the pinnacle—indeed, was born perfect, and that perfection never wavered, even …

April Reflections

Perhaps we have memorialized the wrong thing. Christ’s death was indeed a sacrifice that should be remembered—but with sober reverence, not as a decorative article of jewelry. We don’t worship a dead criminal; we worship a risen Lord! We don’t remember our departed family members by hanging a miniature deathbed or auto accident about our …

March Reflections

“Give” Let’s get one thing straight right at the start: The Lord our God is and always has been utterly perfect, whole, unimprovable, lacking nothing, and immutable. Nothing mortal man does or thinks can alter Him—either for better or worse—in any way. This does not mean that God exists in sterile isolation, unsensing, unfeeling, uncaring …