January Reflections

An Excerpt:

Light illumines.

It shows the way, it heals the melancholy spirit, it brightens the outlook. Light is a positive and powerful force.

But light also reveals.

Bright sunlight cheers a dark room, but also shows the layer of dust that coats a table, exposes the cobwebs draped in the corner where walls meet ceiling, casts shadows from the little bits of things that clutter the surface of the carpet, and makes visible the previously invisible drifting motes of dust in the air.

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Beginning with this January 2022 issue we are pleased to offer two new ways to enjoy Reflections by the Pond. From the list below you may choose to either Read or Listen to individual articles from this issue.

To read the complete, text-only version of this issue, go here.

Article TitleReadListen
“A Comfortable Familiarity”documentaudio
“A Favoring Blindness” documentaudio
“The Better Country”documentaudio