October Reflections Published

An excerpt:

We are witnesses to two extremes that illustrate the precarious health of the local church today.

At one end of the scale is the anemic, dying congregation struggling just to have a nominal quorum each Sunday morning. At the other end of the scale is the “megachurch,” packed to the gills, with thousands of “seekers” in regular attendance, having their ears tickled by the theatrical celebrity-preacher.

Jesus weeps over both of these. Neither represents the biblical picture of a healthy, effective, God-honoring and God-worshiping local church.

Not without exceptions, of course, the local church has lost its way. The message of the gospel and the truth of God’s word have been lost in a maelstrom of “programs,” “ministries,” and “inclusiveness.” God’s authoritative word has been superseded by the corrupt wisdom of the age.

There is nothing new under the sun. God and His Christ have been relegated to an after-thought many times before during man’s history.

But this is our watch.

We are now responsible to right this sinking ship and get it back on course.

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