Welcome to our “New” Web Site!

For reasons beyond our control it has been necessary for us to completely reassemble dlampel.com and hc.dlampel.com. Now both web sites–the devotional, Bible Study (dlampel.com), and our Christian Drama site (hc.dlampel.com)–are located here. If you have previously bookmarked this site, you need not change anything. The URL remains the same for the devotional site. The His Company URL site will be redirected to here. Your experience here should be improved over the old–especially when accessed on hand-held media, such as tablets and smart phones. The essentials are in place: For Reflections by the Pond, click on the menu at the top of the page. For Bible Studies and His Company drama resources, do the same.
We would ask for your patience, however, as moving the archives of all our publications will require more time. We are working steadily on that. For now,
His Company is complete.
Bible Studies is complete.
Reflections by the Pond is complete for 2021 and back to 2018. We are continuing to install the archives beyond that.
Other Archives (The Journey, Listening, Aspects, etc.) will be installed in due course. We appreciate your patience as we see to this.