In the opening chapters of God’s word the pattern is set: His repeated offering of blessings by living in accord with His will being repeatedly rejected in favor of rebellion, sin, depravity, evil. This is the pattern set by our corporate parents; this is what is now bred into every human being born after them. …
February Reflections
The morality and ethics of the culture in which we now dwell are soft and pliable—and grossly unserious. Nothing means anything, while anything goes. It is a plastic world: cheap, brittle, easily broken and easily thrown away. The more modern man strives to bring meaning to life, the less life means. If everything is anything, …
January Reflections
However one states it, we begin taking God seriously by acknowledging His centrality in our lives. He is not a neighbor; He is our spouse. He is not our buddy; He is our Lord. He is not our aged grandfather whom we visit once in a while; He is someone we live with, day in …
December Reflections
As an awestruck parent looks down upon her new child, imagining the soon and coming days of wonder and delight, so God the Father looked down from heaven, filled with the joy of what was to come in His new relationship with creation. Just as the obstructing veil would be coming down for small man, …
November Reflections
There is nothing else left, nothing that will satisfy our longing, except to be broken. So before the cross of Christ, before the open tomb, before the Father’s throne we remove the crown that sits atop our head—that glorious crown that represents every gift we have ever received from above, every talent instilled, every act …
October Reflections
There is no cycle of seasons when it comes to the cultivation of the gospel. We are never too young or too old to share the good news of Christ. The little girl can take her neighborhood playmate with her to Vacation Bible School; the old man can bring along his checkers buddy to Sunday …
September Reflections
We live in a world that is rotting down—but in a far less-organic, less-healthful way. This rotting down does not prevent, but facilitates erosion; this rotting down does not add healthy nutrients to society, but determinedly sucks out what little health still remains. Preferred PDF Suitable for on-screen Viewing PDF suitable for Printing To read …
August Reflections
Every morning we rise to stories of lies and deceit, corruption, illegal payoffs, blatant criminality, sexual perversion thrust before our eyes, murdering terrorists set free while praying churchgoers are imprisoned. We dwell in a cultural cesspool in which lies are embraced and truth ridiculed, a culture in which shame has become a byword, a culture …
July Reflections
Back up for a moment and take in a wider view. Put down your smart phone, set aside your social media. Step away from all those within-reach things you think are so critically important to your life and, just for a few moments, dwell within your intellect and imagination. In your mind send yourself off …
June Reflections
Mankind is fallen. This earth is fallen. Nothing in or around us is as it was meant to be. Beauty is a mirage seen through fallen eyes that know nothing better. The promise that there is something better dwells securely in the heart of every follower of Christ, yet He has left us here for …