----------------------------- A NOTE REGARDING THIS VERSION ----------------------------- This script is from the HIS COMPANY CATALOGUE of plays and musical resources. It is in ASCII (or plain text) format, and is intended only to be used for evaluation purposes. Visit our web site at http://hc.dlampel.com to download the FREE Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version for performance. ----------- DESCRIPTION ----------- JESUS SHALL REIGN Type: Musical Resource Description: Jesus Shall Reign is a worship-oriented musical with a strong dramatic element. The drama portion of this musical could be lifted out to stand on its own as a one-act play. The package is a powerful statement of the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and appropriate for Easter or as a general musical. The dramatic dialogue is woven artfully through the music--one element complementing the other, and there are moments of congregational response. This file contains only the dramatic script. Synopsis: Peter and his son are on an outing, spending some time together during a rare break in the apostle's ministry. Joash has high hopes to grow up just like his famous father. Peter takes the opportunity to teach his son some humility by sharing with him the humility and sacrifice of Christ. In a powerful scene, Peter relives the shame of his denial. Themes: Easter; The Lordship of Jesus Christ; The Kingdom; His Sacrifice Tech. Notes: TRAX used throughout. Book used: Jesus Shall Reign by Cloninger & Rhodes (WORD) Songs included: OUR GOD REIGNS WE CRY HOSANNA, LORD IN THE NAME OF THE LORD THE KIND OF A KINGDOM THY WILL CROSS OF CALVARY THIS LAMB ALONE FAIREST LORD JESUS ARISE Characters: Apostle Peter and his son, Joash; Worship Leader Props: Bag and traveling stick for Peter Length: 60 min. (with music) ------ SCRIPT ------ JESUS SHALL REIGN Copyright (c) 2000 David S. Lampel His Company NOTE: This musical uses music from the book Jesus Shall Reign, by Cloninger & Rhodes (WORD publishers). [Peter and his son, Joash, are enjoying a day together out in the countryside. While the original idea was to have a day alone, the two have, nonetheless, just run into some people who recognized Peter immediately.] PETER (calling back to his son) You're lagging behind again, Joash. JOASH But Dad, those people wanted to talk to me. PETER And why is that? JOASH (proudly) Because I'm your son! PETER (after a beat) Is there a punch line to this? JOASH (impatiently) They were asking me questions. Like "Did I ever see Jesus?" and "What is your father, Peter, really like?" PETER (shaking his head with wonder) What in the world. JOASH (with mock seriousness) What are you really like, Dad? PETER Mostly I'm a kind and understanding sort, who loves to be around children. Then again . . . JOASH You were a disciple of the Lord! That makes you special. PETER Wrong on both counts. I still am a disciple of the Lord, and that does not make me special. JOASH (proudly) When I grow up I'm going to be just like you. PETER I wouldn't be too quick with that. JOASH I'm going to be a great speaker, respected by crowds of people, loved by all-- PETER Son-- JOASH (carried away with himself) --worker of miracles, leader of our people-- PETER Joash! JOASH (innocently) Yes, Dad? PETER (with exaggerated patience) Try, very hard, just this once, to contain yourself. JOASH Yes, Dad. PETER I wanted today to be special--just the two of us--just you and me together. You're growing up too fast. Soon you'll be a man--and I'll be an old man, sitting at home, wondering where the time went. JOASH (nodding his head; seriously) You are getting on. PETER Do you understand why my work takes me away from you and the rest of the family? JOASH Sure, Dad. I know it's important. And soon, when you're too old to carry on, (throwing out his chest) I'll take over for you. PETER Uh, if you don't mind, I'll be the one to decide my retirement date. JOASH You know, some fathers don't have a son to carry on the family business. PETER It's the Lord's business, son, not ours. And what makes you think you're qualified? JOASH (confidently) I have a way with people, Dad. They pay attention when I speak. And I've got a lot to say. I do all my lessons and Mother says I'm a fast learner. PETER But I fear there's one lesson you've not learned. (pause, considering how to teach his son this lesson) So, you think you'd like to be just like me when you grow up. Are you sure about that? JOASH Sure! PETER Then maybe you're now old enough to learn some of the tougher lessons. I want you to know what it was like for me during the early days--when Jesus was still here. JOASH I missed Him by that much. PETER You missed Him by that much. Oh Joash, if only you could have met Him. If only you could have been here to learn the lessons firsthand, as I did. He was so much more, But He was still a wonderful teacher. And His life was the greatest lesson of all. (pause) We lived together for three years: working, eating, sleeping, teaching His way to anyone who would listen, healing the sick--oh, the miracles--the wonders He performed. And the people knew it all too. They knew Jesus for who He was. His reputation spread throughout our land like a wildfire. So that when we entered Jerusalem for the last time, it was the coronation of a king! Song: WE CRY HOSANNA LORD JOASH But this has always confused me, Dad. If they loved Him so much, how could they kill Him? PETER Because they only thought they knew Him. They were so desperate for a savior, that the truth about Jesus didn't matter. They saw only what they had planned for Him to be. Song: IN THE NAME OF THE LORD [the following dialogue takes place during interlude in "In the Name of the Lord"] PETER What the people didn't know was that Jesus was here as God's representative--no, it was more than that. He was God, here with us. JOASH Dad, you're over my head. PETER (patiently) Everyone in His service must realize who it is they serve. My master--and yours--was God made physical. Jesus was as warm to the touch as I am to you. But in that body, He held the strength of God. When He worked His miracles it was no magician's trick! It was the power of Almighty God! JOASH But why didn't we love that, too? PETER God's strength is a frightening thing--and what we fear, we hate. JOASH (after pondering a moment) Then that means they can also hate those who serve Him. PETER (with quiet pride) You are becoming a man. (pause) But remember this: we also carry in us some of that same strength. In our bodies we carry the power of God and the power of Jesus Christ! [IN THE NAME OF THE LORD continues] JOASH I think I'm getting it. Jesus brought the Father's power down to earth and left it behind for us. PETER Well, that's one way to look at it. JOASH (working through it) If we believe in Jesus, we have this available to us. PETER Right! JOASH (with eyes glowing) So with this power, I can do anything! PETER (seeing where this is going) Well, now . . . JOASH There's no stopping me! With God's strength, my knowledge, my gift for speaking to people-- PETER Well there you see, you've done it again. You slid right past the point of what I've been telling you. JOASH (frustrated) Now what? PETER Our strength lies in our weakness. JOASH (aw, come on...) Dad . . . PETER (sternly) Listen to me. I had to learn the hard way---and you will, too, if you don't pay attention. (pause) The first thing Jesus taught me was that if God wants you filled with His glory, He'll shape you into the proper vessel. It can go easy, it can go hard---but He'll do it, one way or another. JOASH (chastened; seriously) I want to know, Dad. PETER Jesus left us with more than just stories; He lived the truth of His words. (nostalgically; a bit sad) And never more so than on that night. (pause; looking at his son) We weren't so different from you. Jesus chose as His disciples men so petty as to argue over who shall be where at the Lord's table. We were so full of ourselves. His agony had already begun, and we quarreled like children. JOASH (knowing what Peter is referring to) Passover. PETER (nodding his head) As usual, I thought I had all the answers. I was sure that I had finally figured out my role as His servant. Suddenly Jesus is kneeling to wash my feet! The very idea of my Lord performing the duty of a slave was offensive to me. "You'll never wash my feet!" I said. (pause) Joash, if you could have seen the disappointment in His eyes. Jesus had such compassion--but He was also many times exasperated by our stupidity. Time and again He had told us: The first shall be last and the last, first. And here He was giving us that truth in His person, displaying a true and honest humility for us, and I wouldn't let Him. That shows you how smart I am. JOASH (trying to understand, but confused) So the Lord wanted you to wash peoples' feet? PETER The Lord wanted us to love others enough to think nothing of ourselves. Song: THE KIND OF A KINGDOM [Following Dialogue is during Interlude as Trax continue to roll] PETER You see, Jesus was only showing us His relationship to the Father. He surrendered His rights as the Son of God--He gladly became something less than what He was--to obey the will of the Father. Before Jesus could be our king, He had to be our servant. Song: THY WILL [Trax continue to roll] [Peter is sitting, looking down, almost in tears. Joash, uncertain and just a bit confused, goes to him.] JOASH (resting his hand gently on his father's shoulder) Dad? PETER (slowly looking up; not looking at Joash) He was left all alone. We all ran like rats from a sinking ship. What I didn't realize until later, was that even then--with those pious butchers breathing down His neck, slapping Him about--even then, Jesus was in control. They asked Him if He was the king of the Jews, and He said, "Yes, of course I am." Jesus was reigning even then-- even as they spat His name in their hate. (pause) And He was reigning as I saved my neck by cursing Him before my accusers. JOASH (wanting his dad to not feel so badly) You had to protect yourself. PETER (exploding) No! Don't you see? I didn't have to protect myself! Did Jesus protect Himself from the mob of vermin crying for Him to die? Did He back away from the horror of that tree? He designed His own death--could have changed it at anytime. JOASH But then Jesus wouldn't have been our Savior. PETER (after a few beats; heavily, subdued) And He wouldn't have been our King. Song: CROSS OF CALVARY PETER In my shame, I watched His body sag under the weight of our sin. heard the loneliness in His voice as He pleaded with His Father. And I wanted to help Him, but knew it was too late for that. He had to die--He had to give Himself. (bow head; raise on major chord) Song: THIS LAMB ALONE Song: FAIREST LORD JESUS (a cappella) JOASH (troubled; very seriously) I don't think I can do it, Dad. PETER Do what? JOASH (methodically) I know He did it for me, but I don't think I can for Him. Peter looks at Joash, confused. JOASH (continuing; having a hard time saying it) Be killed. I don't think I can. PETER Well then, it's a very good thing that you don't have to. JOASH I don't? PETER Joash, you're right that Jesus was our example. He became the ultimate servant, and that meant that He had to die---die for our sins. JOASH (quickly) I know that part. PETER But because He died for us, then we don't have to! To be His servant means to obey Him, to worship Him, to seek His will in all things. And it means that He is your Lord. That's not just a word--it's a declaration that Jesus Christ reigns over every part of your life. Song: ARISE ---------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------------- This script is Copyright (C) 2012 David S. Lampel. This data file is the sole property of David S. Lampel. The data file may not be altered or edited in any way. It may be reproduced only in its entirety for circulation as "freeware," without charge. All reproductions of this data file must contain the copyright notice (i.e., "Copyright (C) 2012 David S. Lampel"). This data file may not be used without the permission of David S. Lampel for resale or the enhancement of any other product sold. This includes all of its content. Brief quotations not to exceed more than 500 words may be used, with the appropriate copyright notice, to enhance or supplement personal or church devotions, newsletters, journals, promotions, or spoken messages. Permission is hereby extended for this script to be printed for rehearsal and performance use. Copies may be reproduced in sufficient number for the director, actors, and technical personnel, as long as each copy contains the copyright notice (i.e., "Copyright (C) 2012 David S. Lampel") ----------------- USING THIS SCRIPT ----------------- For electronic distribution, the Internet version of this script uses the following conventions: * character names are in ALL CAPS. * stage directions within a character's line are enclosed in parentheses (e.g., "(with anger)"). * stage directions without are enclosed in brackets (e.g., "[They exit.]"). * the plus sign (+) indicates when to cue trax or begin intro for next song ---------------------------------------------------------------------- These plays and musical resources are made available free-of-charge, without obligation, in service to our Lord and to His glory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- David S. Lampel Winterset, IA 50273 USA Complete resources at http://hc.dlampel.com/ "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen." (Rom 11:36) 20120305