----------------------------- A NOTE REGARDING THIS VERSION ----------------------------- This script is from the HIS COMPANY CATALOGUE of plays and musical resources. It is in ASCII (or plain text) format, and is intended only to be used for evaluation purposes. Visit our web site at http://hc.dlampel.com to download the FREE Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version for performance. ----------- DESCRIPTION ----------- VISION BEYOND THE EYES Type: Sketch (from The Twelve) Synopsis: Jesus said,"Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed." On the road out of Jerusalem, Nathanael meets a pilgrim seeking Jesus. She doesn't know Jesus has already returned to the Father. What she also doesn't know is that the gift she seeks is already within her: Faith without seeing. Theme: Blind faith Characters: The disciple, Nathanael; Blind woman Props: Walking stick and water bag for Nathanael "Blind stick" for woman Length: 4 min. ------ SCRIPT ------ VISION BEYOND THE EYES Copyright (c) 2000 David S. Lampel His Company The Time: Just after Pentecost The Place: Somewhere between Beersheba and Jerusalem Props: Walking stick for Nathanael, stick for blind woman, water bag, a "rock". [Enter a blind woman. She is weary from travel and rests on a convenient rock. At the same time, the Apostle Nathanael enters from a different direction. As he approaches the woman she speaks.] WOMAN Gentlemen from Jerusalem, have you any water for a weary traveler? NATHANAEL Of course. (crossing to her) The dust of many miles covers your feet. WOMAN (holding out her hands, but not where the bag is) I've come from Beersheba. NATHANAEL (handing her the water bag) Alone? And.....blind? You're blind! How did you know I came from Jerusalem? WOMAN I see now, with my ears. (she takes a quick drink) Your footsteps came from the direction of my destination. (drinking again). NATHANAEL What in Jerusalem has caused you to travel all this way alone? And without sight? WOMAN (handing back the water bag) Tell me, have you news of the Messiah? I had heard He was going to Jerusalem. NATHANAEL (soberly) Yes, He was in Jerusalem. WOMAN (excitedly) Did you see Him? What is He like? What did He do-- NATHANAEL Easy woman! I can answer all your questions. (pause) I was one of His disciples. WOMAN (starting to drop to her knees) Master! NATHANAEL (stopping her) Good woman, save your knees for your God. I'm but a lowly servant of our Lord. (pause) I am Nathanael, from Cana. WOMAN I've been more than two weeks on the road. I have heard so many stories of His healing--His miracles. (pause) Kind Sir, can you help me reach Him? NATHANAEL I can. But He is no longer in Jerusalem. WOMAN (troubled) Oh, where now? I'll never catch up to Him. He can give me sight! I want to see Him with my own eyes. NATHANAEL (testing her faith) What makes you think He can give you sight? WOMAN Many have told me of His healing. He truly has the gift. NATHANAEL And from where did He receive this gift, do you suppose? WOMAN He is certainly the Messiah, our Annointed Saviour, sent by God! NATHANAEL More then that. One of the last things He said to us was that He and God were One--the same. Jesus was God. WOMAN What did you say? "Was"? He......He...... NATHANAEL The Romans crucified Him. WOMAN (overwrought) No.....No..... NATHANAEL But He came back to us! After three days in the tomb, He came back to us. (with growing excitement) For forty days He walked with us, spoke with us, gave us comfort-- (turning to her) He was the one who had suffered the cross, and He gave comfort to us! WOMAN (not a question) Th--then He is still.....alive. I can still find Him. NATHANAEL (astonished) Do you believe He rose from the dead? WOMAN (matter-of-factly) Wouldn't God be capable of such a thing? NATHANAEL (pleasantly surprised) Good woman, you *have* found Him. Your faith has led you to Him. WOMAN But---- NATHANAEL Our Jesus has returned to the Father. He's no longer walking this earth. (she turns away) But wait! You have found your Saviour. WOMAN I've found nothing. I'm still blind! NATHANAEL You have vision beyond the eyes! You have that most precious possession: Faith without seeing! And because of your faith, He has healed your heart. WOMAN But I was so hoping...... NATHANAEL Jesus may still heal your eyes. But what is that sight compared to the vision of your heart to see the Saviour? (Nathanael helps her up) You now walk in the light--a light hidden to many with sight. (as they exit) You are His child; let Him guide your steps. ---------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------------- This script is Copyright (C) 2012 David S. Lampel. This data file is the sole property of David S. Lampel. The data file may not be altered or edited in any way. It may be reproduced only in its entirety for circulation as "freeware," without charge. All reproductions of this data file must contain the copyright notice (i.e., "Copyright (C) 2012 David S. Lampel"). This data file may not be used without the permission of David S. Lampel for resale or the enhancement of any other product sold. This includes all of its content. Brief quotations not to exceed more than 500 words may be used, with the appropriate copyright notice, to enhance or supplement personal or church devotions, newsletters, journals, promotions, or spoken messages. Permission is hereby extended for this script to be printed for rehearsal and performance use. Copies may be reproduced in sufficient number for the director, actors, and technical personnel, as long as each copy contains the copyright notice (i.e., "Copyright (C) 2012 David S. Lampel") ----------------- USING THIS SCRIPT ----------------- For electronic distribution, the Internet version of this script uses the following conventions: * character names are in ALL CAPS. * stage directions within a character's line are enclosed in parentheses (e.g., "(with anger)"). * stage directions without are enclosed in brackets (e.g., "[They exit.]"). * the plus sign (+) indicates when to cue trax or begin intro for next song ---------------------------------------------------------------------- These plays and musical resources are made available free-of-charge, without obligation, in service to our Lord and to His glory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- David S. Lampel Winterset, IA 50273 USA Complete resources at http://hc.dlampel.com/ "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen." (Rom 11:36) 20120305