----------------------------- A NOTE REGARDING THIS VERSION ----------------------------- This script is from the HIS COMPANY CATALOGUE of plays and musical resources. It is in ASCII (or plain text) format, and is intended only to be used for evaluation purposes. Visit our web site at http://hc.dlampel.com to download the FREE Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version for performance. ----------- DESCRIPTION ----------- PROFIT Type: Monologue (from The Twelve) Synopsis: Matthew, the disciple, addresses the audience as if they were guests for a banquet in his home: "Miriam, more food for our guests! Joseph, was the lamb roasted to your liking? The honey sauce was made specially for you. And Ezrah, I know how you love the dates; my wife has prepared a bag of them for you to take with you. My friends and guests. You bring honor to this house by your presence." Matthew has invited them all to bid them goodbye. He is off to serve Jesus: "But now we must part. (raising his arms in protest) Please. I know; it's as much a shock to me as it is to you. But you see, this day I have made a new friend. This very morning I met Him and He has brought me wealth far surpassing what I have already. The riches He brings are difficult to bank--but easy to spend." (from Profit) Theme: The riches Jesus has to offer far surpass anything of this world. Misc. Notes: The Matthew of this sketch is a gregarious, back-slapping host who isn't ashamed to admit wrong and confess a new direction for his life to his old friends. It's his way of witnessing. Character: Matthew Length: 4 1/2 min. ------ SCRIPT ------ PROFIT Copyright (c) 2000 David S. Lampel His Company The Time: c.23 AD The Place: Home of Matthew, the publican [Matthew enters, holding the door for his guests, smiling and being the cordial host. He delivers his first line as he reaches the platform.] Note: The guests are imaginary. The actor should play toward the audience. MATTHEW Miriam, more food for our guests! (to the guests) Joseph, was the lamb roasted to your liking? The honey sauce was made specially for you. And Ezrah, I know how you love the dates; my wife has prepared a bag of them for you to take with you. My friends and guests. You bring honor to this house by your presence. Most of us go back many years. Ephraim, my brother, it was you who brought me into this....this, lucrative business and I am grateful. (to the rest) We have shared times of pleasure, opulence....prosperity. We have drunk old wine and squandered new money. (soberly) But now we must part. (raising his arms in protest) Please. I know; it's as much a shock to me as it is to you. But you see, this day I have made a new friend. This very morning I met Him and He has brought me wealth far surpassing what I have already. The riches He brings are difficult to bank--but easy to spend. No--no, Laban. He is not a new overseer from Rome! (laughing) My friend's treasure is not in a currency recognized by our gracious benefactors. No, Laban, He has bestowed upon me....light, where once there was darkness. He has opened my mind to truth where before was only greed and deceit. (serious) My friends, we are a close fraternity and tonight the gates are shut against our detractors. Tonight let us be honest with each other--just as my new friend has taught me to be honest with myself. We have taken freely from our countrymen! (becoming agitated) Under pretense of tax-increase we have systematically stolen--yes, stolen from our brothers. And it is to our shame that we get away with it. Let me tell you something my new friend told me-- What? Oh I haven't? Why, His name is Jesus. (gesturing) But let me tell you what He said: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store your treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and thieves do not break in and steal." (chuckling) His words puzzled me. When I found my tongue, I told Him I was a man of reason and logic. I told Him what I understood best were figures on a balance sheet--not poetry. Would He kindly explain the procedure for storing one's treasures in heaven? There was kindness in His eyes when He answered: "What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world....yet forfeits his soul?" It was then I realized--for the first time--how I had sold my soul for these worthless baubles! Thieves could clean me out and I would be left with nothing. Nothing! But Jesus offered me something far more valuable...priceless: eternal life--with Him. My friends, I chose His riches over mine. I have transferred all my precious possessions to His storehouse: my spirit, my devotion...(gazing at Jesus) my love. (happily) The rest I leave to you! Now I belong to Jesus. I don't know why, but He wants me. He has decided to include me on His balance sheet. But I will be the one to profit. [Matthew exits] ---------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------------- This script is Copyright (C) 2012 David S. Lampel. This data file is the sole property of David S. Lampel. The data file may not be altered or edited in any way. It may be reproduced only in its entirety for circulation as "freeware," without charge. All reproductions of this data file must contain the copyright notice (i.e., "Copyright (C) 2012 David S. Lampel"). This data file may not be used without the permission of David S. Lampel for resale or the enhancement of any other product sold. This includes all of its content. Brief quotations not to exceed more than 500 words may be used, with the appropriate copyright notice, to enhance or supplement personal or church devotions, newsletters, journals, promotions, or spoken messages. Permission is hereby extended for this script to be printed for rehearsal and performance use. Copies may be reproduced in sufficient number for the director, actors, and technical personnel, as long as each copy contains the copyright notice (i.e., "Copyright (C) 2012 David S. Lampel") ----------------- USING THIS SCRIPT ----------------- For electronic distribution, the Internet version of this script uses the following conventions: * character names are in ALL CAPS. * stage directions within a character's line are enclosed in parentheses (e.g., "(with anger)"). * stage directions without are enclosed in brackets (e.g., "[They exit.]"). * the plus sign (+) indicates when to cue trax or begin intro for next song ---------------------------------------------------------------------- These plays and musical resources are made available free-of-charge, without obligation, in service to our Lord and to His glory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- David S. Lampel Winterset, IA 50273 USA Complete resources at http://hc.dlampel.com/ "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen." (Rom 11:36) 20120305