----------------------------- A NOTE REGARDING THIS VERSION ----------------------------- This script is from the HIS COMPANY CATALOGUE of plays and musical resources. It is in ASCII (or plain text) format, and is intended only to be used for evaluation purposes. Visit our web site at http://hc.dlampel.com to download the FREE Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version for performance. ----------- DESCRIPTION ----------- I NEVER CALLED HIM LORD Type: Monologue (from The Twelve) Synopsis: I Never Called Him Lord is the most dynamic and gripping of the 12 disciple sketches. Judas Iscariot addresses the audience from Hell--and those on the front pew will never be the same. "The tortured remains of Judas Iscariot cry out from their eternity. The devil's pawn. His best man. Once paid handsomely for his deceit, he now is paying with his soul in torment. Hear the voice of one who made the wrong choice. Heed his wisdom." (from Program Notes) Theme: "I never called Him `Lord'. My highest praise for Him was `Rabbi'. I never gave Him control over my life, my being. I always held some back. And by holding some back I gave entrance to Satan himself. My pride would not allow me to give it all to Jesus--to let Him be my Lord." (Judas) Tech. Notes: Judas should be dressed in ragged, almost shredded, clothing. He should have a grave-like pallor. (Don't just slap Clown White on his face; use an under layer of Forest Green for a green-around-the-gills look.) Characters: Judas Iscariot Length: 5 min. ------ SCRIPT ------ I NEVER CALLED HIM LORD Copyright (c) 2000 David S. Lampel His Company (The following paragraph is a setup which could be read by someone and/or printed in a program.) The time is eternity; the place, hell. The tortured remains of Judas Iscariot cry out from their eternity. The devil's pawn. His best man. Once paid handsomely for his deceit, he now pays with his soul in torment. Hear the voice of one who made the wrong choice. Heed his wisdom. The Time: Eternity The Place: Hell [Judas Iscariot bursts in. As he comes through the door he is screaming at someone--or something--behind him. Note: Judas should have a pale and harried look; within reason, give him an appearance that shows the torment he has been going through.] JUDAS (to something on the other side of the door) Get away from me! Leave me alone! For once, just leave me alone! [In a paranoiac panic, he stumbles to center stage, furtively glancing behind him, his back to the audience. He senses their presence and slowly, cringingly, turns.] (stammering) Why are you looking at.......stop staring at me! Were you there?! (pause; giggling insanely) What's the matter? Do you feel uncomfortable in my presence? (with contempt) I'm nothing more than those things you keep hidden.....nothing less than those things you choose to reveal. (more calmly; conversationally) I could just as easily have gone the other way, you know. If I am, indeed, the worst it only means I had the potential to be the best. (the voices in his head begin building again, building, building . . .;in anguish; screaming in reply) I know! I know I crucified Him! (back to the tormentor behind the door) I might as well have driven the nails into Him myself. (with disgust) Worse. I hadn't the courage to see it that far. I took the easy way out--before He even reached the cross. (to the audience) Go ahead. I deserve your contempt. But be careful; if you condemn me you run the risk of condemning yourself. And remember: In your times of deepest shame, you have not approached the remorse I felt that morning. (quieter; exhausted) There's no explanation you'll understand. I know the explanation and I don't understand. (fearfully) Where I live now (furtively glancing back at the door) there is no understanding. There's no reasoning. (pause) But I tell you this: The options I had then are still available to you. You, too, can go either way. (intimately) At first I blamed it all on Satan--and it's true, he came into me and pressed me into his service. But who opened the door to my heart? Who made the choice? (pause) Don't make me into some hideous monster. Don't make me darker than I really am--some image of evil incarnate. I was only a man--flesh and blood like you. I held no secret power of evil. I just let evil have its power over me. I was only a man. Jesus called me along with the others. I was one of the twelve. But I thought myself smarter than the rest. More (with clipped diction) in-tel-lec-tual. I felt I was above all this (with arrogance) silly adoration of someone who was, after all, only a man.... (with great sadness) I never called Him 'Lord'. My highest praise for Him was 'Rabbi'. (pause) I never gave Him control over my life, my being. I always held some back. (building to a high pitch) And by holding some back I gave entrance to Satan himself! My pride would not allow me to give it all to Jesus....to let Him be my Lord. So Satan became my Lord--he took over the emptiness in my heart. (building again) He filled me with his evil.......and took away my heart. (running out; screaming) Don't let him have yours! Don't let it happen to you! [Screaming, Judas runs off the stage toward the door through which he entered. He jerks it open, hesitates, then returns to his personal hell.] ---------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------------- This script is Copyright (C) 2012 David S. Lampel. This data file is the sole property of David S. Lampel. The data file may not be altered or edited in any way. It may be reproduced only in its entirety for circulation as "freeware," without charge. All reproductions of this data file must contain the copyright notice (i.e., "Copyright (C) 2012 David S. Lampel"). This data file may not be used without the permission of David S. Lampel for resale or the enhancement of any other product sold. This includes all of its content. Brief quotations not to exceed more than 500 words may be used, with the appropriate copyright notice, to enhance or supplement personal or church devotions, newsletters, journals, promotions, or spoken messages. Permission is hereby extended for this script to be printed for rehearsal and performance use. Copies may be reproduced in sufficient number for the director, actors, and technical personnel, as long as each copy contains the copyright notice (i.e., "Copyright (C) 2012 David S. Lampel") ----------------- USING THIS SCRIPT ----------------- For electronic distribution, the Internet version of this script uses the following conventions: * character names are in ALL CAPS. * stage directions within a character's line are enclosed in parentheses (e.g., "(with anger)"). * stage directions without are enclosed in brackets (e.g., "[They exit.]"). * the plus sign (+) indicates when to cue trax or begin intro for next song ---------------------------------------------------------------------- These plays and musical resources are made available free-of-charge, without obligation, in service to our Lord and to His glory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- David S. Lampel Winterset, IA 50273 USA Complete resources at http://hc.dlampel.com/ "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen." (Rom 11:36) 20120305